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B Y D A V I D M c Q U E L

These three life necessities cannot be acquired through wealth or riches: hope, peace, and joy.

Our world today knows more heartache than good news. The number of people whose hearts are broken daily is not even reflected in the number of suicides, because it far outweighs it. Among lovers, family and relatives, colleagues, teammates, or business partners, the stories and experiences of heartbreaks cannot be documented. That is because there will be no library enough to contain its volumes.

Betrayal has become a norm rather than an exception. Parents betray children and children betray parents. The intimacy among couples, largely, is cosmetic and just for a show. Our media and relation tabloids are washed with detestable and jaw-dropping stories of harm and anguish that the heart finds disturbing.

We have the political scene become more clueless than ever before. Men and women in politics are offering no hope in sight. In fact, they are telling us more broadly that their job is not their job. Therefore, hoping that politicians will bring economic comfort is a mirage.

Economies are failing like money is failing. The more you have money, the more your sorrow seems to grow. People living in super lavish homes are lonelier than ever. Wealth and riches have never become so insignificant! The financial markets have in recent times caused stress, stroke, and death as they look more uncertain than ever

The free markets which have brought so much personal, national, and world prosperity were created to depend on the honesty, goodwill of men, and the fear of God. Now with so much godlessness comes dishonesty and bad will. Men in the business will increasingly despise these virtues and follow personal interests, selfishness, and greed.

And what happens? Crony capitalism and financial ruin for the innocent.

In the past, science, education, or any subject you pick found their footing in the good nature of man. However, in as much as man can be good, it is limited within man. Man tends to do unbelievable evil.

At that default, medicine, education, technology, or even religion becomes a weapon. It is only unimaginable disaster what these good values, when corrupted can do.

The love of money, possession, influence, power, or ambition can cause the greatest destructive level of greed never imagined. It puts personal drives, above the good of others. It is the root of conflicts, factions, wars, and violence.

Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” Luke 12:15 (NIV)

Bent on lust and greed, man becomes blind, even if religious. Then he becomes obsessed with satisfying the greed. Then every common and sensible value loses relevance. That is why Jesus warned us against greed. He tells us to watch out!


Greed can sneak in like a mosquito unnoticed but its impact is devastating. Only that greed is far more destructive than an army of mosquitoes. It has destroyed homes. It has ruined great ideas. He has defeated lofty opportunities. It was turned what could have been into what would have become.

So, what brings about these financially unattainable values?

Galatians 5:22, 23 (Gord’s Word Version)

“But the (new regenerated) spiritual nature produces love, joy, peace, patience…self-control. There are no laws against things like that.” – emphasis mine.

For anyone in Christ is a new creature. That new spiritual nature, its fibre is made up of love, joy, and hope. It is the only way a man can rise against the bitterness enveloping the world. It is the only way to be independent of the corruption swallowing up human life.

You can find this new spiritual life in Christ Jesus. He laid down his life, taking upon himself our sins, our failures, and our shame so that we don’t have to take them anymore.

No matter where and how you have lived without Jesus, this truth can transform your life today. Jesus loves you. He died for you to save you.

Today is a great opportunity to invite him into your heart and receive a new spirit. That new spirit comes with a full package of righteousness, peace, and joy.

If your heart is open to the truth of salvation in Christ, you probably already feel that you need Jesus in your life. If you do, here is a prayer of commitment to Jesus Christ. That is the great open door to salvation. Once you pray the prayer below, out of a personal conviction of the heart, you receive regeneration of your spirit.

Then you will need to GROW in your new committed faith.

From the conviction of your heart, repeat the commitment confession:

“Dear Father God, your word says you love me. For that you sent Jesus who dies for my unrighteousness.

I open my heart now according to Romans 10:9, I invited you into my heart to be my Saviour and my personal Lord. Thank you for saving me. Henceforth, I live my life for you every day.

Jesus is my Lord now.”

If you prayed this from a true conviction of your heart, you are now a child of God. And if you truly did, you will experience the new life already.

God bless you. Read these and other blogs. Comments are all welcome below.


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