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The goal of Christian mission is to carry out the great commission Jesus left for those who believe in him.
Matthew 28:
 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Acts 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Take note that Jesus did not say in either passage that a group of the disciples should reach the whole world and disciple the nations. He didn't say some from among you will remain in Jerusalem, while a few of you will go to Judea, then when you are done head on to Samaria and try your best to reach the end of the earth.
Christian missions is for all Christians. It is for every Christian. Anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus and calls on His name has the burden on their shoulders.
However, that does not mean everyone must leave his homeland to go to the mission field. It means everyone should acknowledge that missions is their business. Everyone of us believers must be involved in missions.
I always look at the breakdown of modern military formations and see how missions should effectively flow. The Military has different arms that flawlessly tailor in together. They have infantry, artillery, logistics, intelligence, armoury, special forces, military police, army, air force and navy. Even though each one of them can shoot a rifle, yet each one has his assigned place and they all work in units that chained seamlessly well in war and at peace.
Here are a list of things every missions ministry needs and you should pray and see where the Lord would want you to participate. I will add that God may want you to participate in several capacities.
1. A clear vision and focus
Every mission field should have a clear vision that can easily be recognized, understood and identified without stress. Where is the calling of the missionary? This question can easily be answered when the passion of the missionary is seen and heard in his actions and his words.
2. A driving Scripture
My driving scripture is Isaiah 9:2 "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." It is the scripture that drives my passion. I didn't just find it,God led me there. As a missionary, that is probably the first thing God will lead you to while sending you.
Every mission field must have a driving scripture to which every staff, partner or friend of the mission field can hook.
3. A home church a good number of experienced believers spiritual overseeing
In Acts 13, Barnabas and Paul had a home church not only where they left from, but where they come back for refreshing and renewal. That home church can also offer financial assistance, workers, and physical visits at the mission field to participate in the work. The home church also promotes the mission field and raise support from time to time.
A church and other matured experienced ministers friendship and oversight can be a guide to the exhausted missionary.
4. A good army of partners
An effective mission field needs a robust army of partners. This need determines how far a mission field can go. Without consistent compassionate partners, there will be unimaginable frustration because a missionary cannot support himself. The partners are special people who
a. understand mission work and its challenges
b. Pray for the mission field consistently
c. Promote the work of missions and this particular mission field
d. Give financially and materially to the mission field
e. Stand in faith along with missionary
f. Personally encourage the missionary and his family and look out for his welfare
5. A good office
Once a missionary is in the field, an accommodation for his family and team is the priority. After an accommodation is the need for an office. Most missionaries get a spacious accommodation that can have a space for an office.
However, the need for an office cannot be underestimated. A missionary needs an office to work and needs one soon enough. It is the place where the activities of the field are crafted.
6. The Messengers family
The family of the missionary are his or her closest partners. They understand and bear with his or her infirmities. They see his or her frailties. They have to also be strong to strengthen the messenger.
However, if they suffer it becomes an additional unimaginable burden on him. If they lack, hunger or are out of school, the missionary cannot concentrate on his responsibilities of compassion any longer.
7. Updated Documents
One of the most burdensome need of missionaries yet unknown to many is their documents. A missionary in a foreign land he/she needs traveling documents and health certificates for him, his family and staff. Unrenewed passports, visa and health certificates makes him or her an illegal alien, thereby a criminal. For missionaries with a mission board support, this is no problem if the mission board is supportive. But for independent missionaries like me, it is an unimaginable frustration.
It is really bad if a missionary serves in a hostile territory. Even when support is sent through the bank, it becomes difficult to withdraw for use.
We can't have precious missionaries who are already an endangered species considered as criminals.
8. Tools for evangelism
There are tools necessary in modern times for missionaries. Some of them are:
a. A good van, bus or 4x4. It may not be necessarily brand new for a start, but it should just be 5 years old or less so that already stretched resources will not be wasted constantly at the mechanics.
b. Sound equipment. The mission field needs quality sound equipment for crusades where open air preaching is allowed. Karaoke and megaphones are very handy.
c. Digital projectors. Modern digital projectors are very useful both for teachings and Christian media shows.
d. Computers and printers. These are very important. Both desktops and laptops will immensely help.
e. Generator power plant. The mission field needs this power supply because many rural communities don't have electricity. And in many African countries, government grid is epileptic.
f. Tents and camp packs. The missionary team should be armed to avoid unnecessary pressure on their comfort and health. Camp beds and packs are incredibly efficient and cheap today. There are small tents for 2, 4 or 6.
9. A good charity backup for new converts
Most communities where missionaries work are needy. Even in the cities, you definitely meet very needy people who need a meal for the night, clothes to wear or a job to do. If a mission field has a purse for those emergency needs, it will encourage the new converts. We have been in situations where we had to give out our own clothes and bibles.
10. A good team
Above all these, a mission field needs a good, organized, friendly team. A team that enjoys friendship and love and work together as a family. It takes time to build this.
When each missionary develops their love for God and love for the brothers, together they will find such a heaven on earth. Strife, gossip, division, unforgiveness and bitterness should not even be tolerated. These things are poisonous to the fellowship and the work.
God bless all my readers. And may you find your place in the mission field. May God count on your consistent contribution.


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