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I don't know for sure if there is anything necessary for life and happiness for all mankind, yet freely obtainable. Now that sounds like some spam news or an internet fraud.
Is it really possible to have anything that is a necessity for free?
With man, a lot of things are impossible. In fact, the first law of earthly economics is that resources are scarce. If you don't understand this law of scarce resources you will never understand economics. It is the foundation of economics.
Within the human realm, there is nothing really available to all for free.
Let's take a few things that God's nature gives as examples. First, take oxygen embedded in the air we breathe in our nostrils. Although it is totally given for free by God our maker, yet air has become one of the most expensive commodity.
Many people in the hospital pay unimaginable money to be placed on oxygen. Years ago I had to stay with my younger pastor's wife in the Korle By Teaching Hospital, Accra Ghana, when he travelled and their daughter had to be admitted due to wrong medication at a private clinic.
The children's hospital is one of the heartbreaking places on earth. You see kids bear the burden of pain that don't deserve. There was this 9 months old baby that had to be on oxygen.
It is one of the most horrible things in life that broke me down.
CostHelper, a medical site that helps breakdown the cost of health care published an article titled, "How Much Do Oxygen Concentrators Costs?" Here is an excerpt: "An oxygen concentrator is a machine that adds oxygen to the air. The oxygen levels depend on the concentrator, but the goal is the same: helping patients with severe asthma, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart conditions breathe better.
Typical costs:
An at-home oxygen concentrator costs between $550 and $2,000 . These concentrators, such as the Optium Oxygen Concentrator which has a manufacturer's list price of $1,200-$1,485 but sells for about $630-$840 on websites like Amazon, are heavier and bulkier than portable oxygen concentrators. The cost of at-home oxygen concentrators depends on the brand and the features. The Millennium M10 Concentrator, which costs about $1,500, offers patients the ability to vary oxygen delivery rates, up to 10 liters per minute, and has an oxygen purity indicator light.
Portable oxygen concentrators cost between $2,000 and $6,000, depending on weight of the concentrator, features offered and the brand. For example, the Evergo Respironics Concentrator costs about $4,000 and weighs about 10 pounds. The Evergo also has a touch-screen display, up to 12 hours of battery life and comes with a carrying bag. The SeQual Eclipse, which costs about $3,000, is a heavier model that can easily double as an at-home oxygen concentrator. The Eclipse weighs about 18 pounds and has between two and five hours of battery life, depending on the patient's oxygen dosage.
Insurance typically covers oxygen concentrator purchases if a patient's medical history shows a need. Typical copay rates and deductibles will apply. The average deductible ranges from $1,000 to more than $2,000, and average copays range from $15 to $25, depending on the state."
Now that's not free.
Or should we take water as another example? With countless oceans, rivers, streams, springs, and the rainfall that floods cities and rural areas around the world, drinking water is not only scarce but expensive worldwide!
Man and beast have suffered thirst. Thirst is one of the most unbearable scarcity known to man. Its been said that man cannot survive beyond 5 days of thirst.
Surely the law of scarce resources is a fact.
Kate Cline shared an article of The LA Times, focused on a WaterAid study called "Water: At What Cost? The State of the World's Water," which ranks nations on household access to drinking water. It said, "By now, you have probably all heard the statistic: Worldwide, approximately 650 million people do not have access to a safe drinking water source. Many of those people also are some of the world's poorest, meaning their options for obtaining safe drinking water are few and expensive, the Los Angeles Times reported last week ."
It is so bad that certain developed nations have to either treat highly salty sea water for drinking or recycle sewage water!
Certainly not everyone can afford drinking water at a tenth of the above-mentioned cost!
What else could we consider free to all humanity? Nothing!
However, there is another precious necessity of life, given and taken freely by whosoever is interested. It is salvation through Christ Jesus.
The Bible clearly recorded after Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus in John 3. Jesus said to him emphatically, John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
God's love is free, and to all. Salvation is free and to all. God's forgiveness is free and to all. God's mercy is free and to all. God's wisdom Is free and to all. In fact, eternity with God is free, and to all.
You don't have to pay a dime!
For God so loved every single one of us, that He gave us what we need most, a door to salvation. Jesus paid a huge price for everyone's freedom.
Now taking that freedom is your choice. Will you or will you not?


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