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Showing posts from December 17, 2017


By David Pam McQuel The birth of Christ was one of the extraordinary event to have ever happened on earth. It was also the most intriguing. Its the only event that all the role players didn't know what was going on. It was not just one lump story, everyone involved struggled in ignorance and didn't just know what to make of it. Herod's Palace King Herod Was at the peak of his glory. He was handpicked by Rome. He had powerful alliances. There was no fear of a coup d'etat, monarchical rivalry or of an impending elections. He had money, booze and limitless women of his choice. He had the swimming pools, the cattle ranch and the wildlife reserve. Then a threat came. Visitors from the East with first of all an ignorable rumour, of a prophesied king. He has never faced a threat in his entire life. He didn't know what to do with this or how to react, until the threat became real. Then he call in the advisers. "What's this madness I'm hear...