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Showing posts from July 2, 2017

Fear No Longer in Control

By David Pam McQuel "How old are you?" "7." I was so naïve and non-chalant unaware of the grave consequences of what I have done.My eyeballs sparkled darting around as if I was innocent. We are going to take you to school and flog you in the presence of all students, the you will keep keep your class room clean for a whole three weeks. My heart sank. Take me before two hundred students and disgrace me? What I hate, in fact, I dreaded was been put to the spot. I couldn't imagine why on earth should they be so cruel to me? I just stole a java phone! I have done worst than that, albeit not caught. Now they'd shame me. Of course, except my mum says no. That was the only condition my teacher gave. Mum wouldn't mind them hanging me. She has preached a thousand sermons weekly about honour, dignity and integrity. She has told us how much she detests being shamed If only could avoid her knowing about the phone! It was done. T...