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Showing posts from January 21, 2018


By David Pam McQuel The Cost of Missions Missions is the advannced stage of evangelism. After the gospel reached Jerusalem, Jesus instructed His disciples to take the gospel to the other cultures to the ends of the earth. However, it has been by no means an easy task. Men have given up a lot to take the gospel to all creation. The impact of the gospel worldwide has been everincreasing. So has the demands for taking the gospel everywhere. The only thing that has changed significantly is the cowardice and indifference of those who claim to know Christ. Scripture outlined the price for carrying out this magnificent assignment. In this first part we treat a few and we end it the next blog. Death Seeking God means seeking Him with all. The most precious thing to any man is his life. The most influential period of the church are seasons when believers were willing to give God their lives. Matthew 10:34 'Don’t assume that I came to bring peace on the earth. I did no...