By David Pam McQuel As the millennium strolled in, my young wife and I were heading for forlough. The last year of the 20th century was quite stressful on the mission field. Although we saw lives changing, the fellowship of disciples growing we struggled with personal and family challenges. We were still early in our married life, our closeness and intimacy was our immunity against the devils whiles. Arriving home was a great moment of joy. We were seeing family, friends and colleagues we haven't seen for years. The ministry gave us a 2-weeks break to visit our folks. What we thought would be a short furlough ended up a 3-long-years hold. I want to share a story that I encountered trying to bring a Jehovah Witness to the light. While I pastored in Keffi, a growing sub metro less than 20 kilometres from Abuja, the political capital of Nigeria. Coming back from the mission field this church was in crisis. The ministry needed matured pastor to stabilize the s...