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Showing posts from March 19, 2017


The hardest thing for most believers who want to share Christ is the courage to approach people and how to start a conversation.. Hearing the gospel is the key to ever accepting Christ. Romans 10:13-15 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” NIV There are many approaches that people who are so passionate about evangelism adapt. Some of these approaches work and others don't. When an approach does not produce an understanding of the gospel and a willing conviction, it has failed. There are also different methods of expressing God's word. The key desire is to make the gospel heard and understood so that the lost can find the...


In every profession, its future depends on the effort of its stakeholders to reproduce themselves. A carpenter must have apprentices for the profession to continue. Hairdressers must train younger hairdressers. The future of any art is in its ability to produce younger practitioners. So is the Christian faith. Jesus spent three years and a half to raise a few crop of people that would do exactly what he was doing. Jesus had great meetings. He held large audiences. One time he had 5,000 families in one seating. Another time the crowd was so large that some friends had to remove the roof of His house to let down a paralyzed man on a stretcher! Yet, the focus of His ministry was to produce 12 disciples who could do exactly what He was doing. At His return, 120 followers saw him off, yet His joy was in the 11 who He knew where disciples. And with them, He will change the world. His focus was not on the tens and hundreds of thousands that constantly attended his meetings but th...


In ancient times there was a prophecy, God was fed up with the undulating walk of the Israelites. Today they are up tomorrow they are down. That walk has been particularly burdensome, for Israel but more for God. Working with an unreliable, unpredictable non-steadfast unregenerate people are the worst. No project ever gets done. It's equally burdensome to the unregenerate because he lacks the capability to do what God wants even though he may know. This was the biggest problem of the First Testament. Why is man unregerate in the first place. Death. There are three main kinds of death in the Bible. 1. Physical death is the most know. Every man dies. ★Ecclesiastes 3:2  "a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot." The bible, history and tradition establish the fact about physical death. Besides, everyone knows somebody who once lived but no longer does. 2. Spiritual Death is less known. This is separation from God. This...