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The hardest thing for most believers who want to share Christ is the courage to approach people and how to start a conversation..

Hearing the gospel is the key to ever accepting Christ.
Romans 10:13-15 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” NIV

There are many approaches that people who are so passionate about evangelism adapt. Some of these approaches work and others don't. When an approach does not produce an understanding of the gospel and a willing conviction, it has failed.

There are also different methods of expressing God's word. The key desire is to make the gospel heard and understood so that the lost can find the love of God through Christ Jesus.

The person preaching the gospel must, first of all, have a personal experience with this same gospel. If you have not received the love of God, the forgiveness of sin and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, you are not in a place to talk about salvation in Christ Jesus.

In the book of Acts, seven sons of a Jewish priest named Sceva thought it was fun what Paul was doing, preaching, healing and delivering the possessed. They planned to do the same, thinking it was only a mental venture.

The evil spirits empowered the possessed man, and pounced on them. By the time he was almost done, these seven strong young men barely escaped severely wounded and bleeding.

Acts 19:15-16 "One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” 16 Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding."

That's why it is called witnessing. A witness tells of his experience only. What has not happened to him or around is not part of his testimony.

Two things to bear in mind are the power of the message you carry and the One who sent you. When Jesus sent His disciples, He made them realize that the message they carried was God's power to save. He also let them know that the One who sent Him was the same person who was sending them. Now that is very powerful. That is reassuring.

The key to the hearts of men is love and compassion. No matter how hard men's hearts are, they cannot resist love and compassion. The brother who goes out to witness Christ must carry love and compassion in his heart towards the sinner.

We do not go to judge them. We do not go to tell them how lost they are. They already know their lives are just miserable. They need to hear about the Lord. They need to know God in Christ has paid for their sins. They are already condemned and they know. They need a message of liberty through compassion.

The equipment of the witness are boldness and passion for the kingdom. God has not given us a timid spirit. We can't go before the enemy shy. We must go forth with boldness not arrogance.

Your goal is to reach the heart and shine the light on a lost soul. There is no any other option. Do not try to appeal to senses. The heart is what God wants to touch and transform. That's why the integrity of your message and the wholesomeness of our approach are indespensible. Be completely compassionate, honest and firm.

Your prayer points are for inspiration and boldness, for the opening of the heart of the sinner. You have to always pray for yourself that your heart may be bold and your lips anointed. Then pray for God to open the heart of the unbeliever.

A friendly spirit makes it easier for you to approach even unpredictable strangers.
Picking your subject carefully can open or close a heart from start. Picking the right subject makes your interlocutors feel more comfortable to engage.

Please, please and please again, the King James Version did not fall from heaven. It is an outdated form of English spoken more than 400 years ago, reduced today to scholarship only. Don't use the King James English and becloud the gospel. Don't sound hyper-religious.

A cheerful countenance and a smile are big advantages. A bright countenance melts hardened hearts.
You need to realize that one sitting alone may not be enough to bring your interlocutor to conviction. Remember that it is the Holy Spirit who convicts. You have to allow the Spirit to bring conviction. Your responsibility is to explain as clearly as possible the gospel, and allow the person make his choice.
Some people will accept the gospel, others will reject. It is their right and their choice. You are not their to
force them, intimidate them, scare them or shame them to accept the word.

Finally, always give the person the opportunity to accept Christ. They may be ready. If they want to receive Christ, lead them through Paul's prayer for receiving Christ found in Romans 10:9. It is always easier for the person to repeat the prayer after you.
"Dear Father God I declare with my mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and I believe in my heart that God raised him
from the dead. Thank you for saving me. I am now
a child of God. Amen."

Having said this prayer, your next move is willingness and boldness to go meet the sinner. Knowing all these is a responsibility. You need to go out and witness Jesus to friends, family, colleagues, strangers and everyone.

God be with you.
David Pam McQuel


  1. Man of God,
    Thank you for shining more light on Evangelism; God richly bless and increase you in Jesus'name"
    Best regards,
    Chris (Ghana).

    1. Hi Pastor Chris,
      You Welcome. And thank you for reading.

      Kindly help us share this people with friends and churches.

      God bless you


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