B Y Z E N I T H A V I C T O R I A B A D A W I T H D A V I D P A M M C Q U E L Kathryn Butler in Why Christian Love Matters in Depression wrote: The first day I ventured through the church doors, no one knew I fought the compulsion to throw myself off a bridge. Last week we looked at one of the most dreaded words DEPRESSION, which sounds simple but it has growingly become one of life's must threatening epidemic among young people. We say in definition that depression is feelings of severe despondency (low spirits from loss of hope or courage; dejection) its also a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. We also saw that sadly people fall victim to depression because they want to do things by their strength rather than by Gods ability. When there is no respect and reverence for God, so fear, worry, anxiety become the master...