By David Pam McQuel Throughout the life span of the church there has been a continues circle. Its been a rollercoaster. The church will be on fire, great revival and an overwhelming expansion will come. The quality of commitment skyrockets. The passion for the things of God will be unparalleled. Then as the late Myles Munroe says, "the greatest enemy of success is success". The church flourishes, and her prosperity becomes her bane. Everyone relaxes and she begins to pat herself at the back and singing her praises. Then management and administration takes centre stage and priority shifts from spreading the word to consolidation. Project Babel starts, and the church loses her call. Solidly, step by step, little by little we become at ease. Personal ambition, struggles for position, desire for fame and recognition come in and the spiritual life of the assembly is drained. With the of the generation of the torchbearers, a new generation comes that had no experie...