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The 21st Century Church

It is still staggering how theological and religious leaders are still groppling with the debate whether we should use modern music equipment in church? If it is ethical for women to wear makeup or trousers to worship services? If wealth and financial excellence are good Christian status? And recently, if high tech devices should carry Bible and religious applications? Plain stupid arguments for me.
Unlike Islam, the Church is lost in the past. Singing "Give me that Old Time religion" can be emotional and move you to tears when you remember how things used to be in good old days.
The Muslim brutal jihadists have done rather excellently in adapting to the changing times. Isn't it amazing that no matter how strict Europe is a free gun zone and with the strick monitoring of the movement of chemicals and acids, Islamic terrorists breakthrough and either attempt or succeed in carrying out daring terrorist missions.
A decade and a half ago, it was unimaginable that large commercial planes could be turned in to weapons of mass destruction. Then came September 11, the infamous day that has become a world history day. Young radical Muslim youth between 20 and 30 years old dared the world and changed history.
In the good old days of the late 19th century up to the mid 20th century saw great revivals. The world was a different place. Electricity, the radio and black & white television were staggering technologies! Video technology, the printing press and the telegram where cutting edge inventions. And people took turns religious to read the newspapers with awe.
Then everyone would read and reread a Christian tract, the whole town will gather to watch the Bible story on projector screens or attentively glued to the new evangelist in town in his spectacularly ironed white starched shirt. The firebrand preach standing by he great studio microphone moved the crowds to either an outburst of hallelujahs or repentant teary eyes.
Then preachers were held in high esteem and considered the moral police of ethics, morality and daily conduct. Then a man would throw away his cigarate at the sight of a preacher coming down the road. And lying was done with shame.
That's a long long long time ago.
Things are not the same. Today's world is been dragged to the abyss by liberal idiots. Atheists and agnostics are viewed as idols even Christian kids.
Our schools and universities have changed from educating to indoctrinating. Parents are not expected to train and discipline kids anymore. They are harassed and hammered to let children chose what they want, then the same activists turn around and tell children what they should think and want.
The world social re-engineering is not complete but far advanced. Gradually such archaic words like sin, crime, sodomy, lies, immoral are not just unacceptable but intolerable.
While all these going on, the Church withdraws into her cocoon, the worship auditorium. The new order in church is to avoid offending the world. We have compromised our message and refused to assert our stand in the public square. And with our accord, our kids are snatched from us.
By the time kids are adults, they chose sides we could never imagine them chose. The embrace glowingly the very things we warn them about. We are then forced to accept them in their rebellion or be considered haters.
While these are going on, we solidified our methods instead of the message. He insist on 19th century hymns when the music of the day is different. We insist on holding the old King James Version a strange form of English to 90% of English speakers of true world. We waste time on things and history that has no influence on the Church and its image.
We need a rethink. How do we embed the gospel in technology, modernity and social progress without compromising our moral and spiritual authority. How do we embed the gospel into sorts, education, literature and arts? We don't have to water down our message. We don't have win the applause of the world. We don't have to be cowards.
We only need to be bold,and stand our ground. Whining about the media is not helping us. How do we code the gospel into the media practice, into law, economics and psychology? We need to take on social media so emphatically.  
With all the evil that Islam perpetrates daily all over the world, the murders, the violence in the name of Allah, there are so many educated and intellectual world leaders defending and protecting Islam. Normally, the world should confront Islam.
Paul said in Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile."
At 9:32 a.m. on July 16, with the world watching, Apollo 11 took off from Kennedy Space Center with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin Jr., and Michael Collins aboard. Armstrong, a 38-year-old civilian research pilot, was the commander of the mission. After traveling 240,000 miles in 76 hours, Apollo 11 entered into a lunar orbit on July 19.
Many don't know that as Neil Armstrong and his colleagues took off from planet earth, the first thing they did was they read Psalm 8 to the whole world as that deep baritone voice blasted the Word of God on the radio waves all over the world. When they finally docked on the moon, first thing they did was take the Communion of the Lord!
Today, we are far removed from the Word. In fact, the Word of God is offensive to most people. We need to invade the universities again, invade NASA, invade the EU, invade the UN, invade the Arab world, invade Japan, invade North Korea and Iran.
We need to be ahead, as Islam is ahead. We need to pray, but more than that, WE NEED TO THINK AND PLAN. We need a deep rethink. We need to find ways to reach out to this world. We need to stop reacting, we need to be preemptive, taking the gospel to the gates of hell.
David Pam McQuel


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