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A collection of people's remembrance of the life and ministry of Billy Graham.
Evangelical preacher Rev. Billy Graham died Wednesday morning at the age of 99, according to USA Today. Graham was known around the world and served as pastor to a dozen presidents. He was known as America's pastor.
Most followers of his ministry will never forget these words as they became a reality these last few days: "Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God."
-Billy Graham
"The Billy Graham that the whole world saw on television and in the stadium was the same Billy Graham that we saw at home. He was not two or more Billy Graham. He believed the Bible is the sole authoritative word of God." - Son
Christianity Today published on the day of his funeral, Billy Graham’s Funeral Today Will Be His ‘Last Crusade’".
Billy Graham's ministry for the gospel of Jesus Christ and his matchless voice changed the lives of millions. We mourn his passing but I know with absolute certainty that today he heard those words, "well done good and faithful servant." Thank you Billy Graham. God bless you. — US Vice President Mike Pence
Billy Graham never did anything without the gospel being preached,” said Rick Warren, senior pastor of Saddleback Church. “He will preach that message one more time, through his son.”
A great man of God, Billy Graham has gone to Heaven.
Heaven is richer and earth poorer as a result. Billy preached the Gospel to more people then any person who has ever lived.  He was the same man privately that he was publicly. Billy was the most Christ- like man I have ever met — Greg Laurie
The Great Commission is as simple as it is clear: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”. Few men in history have received that instruction as humbly, or carried it out as diligently, as Reverend Billy Graham. — Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya
Thank you BillyGraham for helping LEAD A NATION! - Donna Warren
Marc Mero "I love this man. I was blessed to have heard him speak many years ago. I will never forget the impact he had on my life. Thank you for bringing Christ’s salvation message throughout the world."
Today, BillyGraham will Lie in Honor in the Rotunda of the US Capitol. He will be the 4th person to which this honor has been bestowed, and one that "America's Pastor" has certainly earned. On behalf of the Senate, and the country, we cannot thank him enough for his service. -Senate Leader Mitch McConnell
Ruth Graham, daughter of Billy Graham : "My father was not God but he showed me what God was like that day."
Leaving Palm Beach headed to Charlotte to attend # BillyGraham Funeral. Thank you Jesus for the Life and Servanthood of Rev. Billy Graham. Through him, Millions have accepted Jesus Christ. -Pastor Mark Burns
People all over react on his death and funeral.
Stephanie Ziebarth tweeted: Watching Billy Graham’s funeral live with my daughter as part of her homeschool education today. Very inspiring.
"When he prays with you in the Oval Office or upstairs in the White House, you feel he's praying for you, not the president," former President Bill Clinton once said of Graham.
Few, if any, men have had as great an impact so many as Billy Graham. He was a strong voi for not only the Christian faith, but for basic human decency, as shown by his strident opposition to segregation.  He was America’s pastor.  Rest in Peace, Reverend Graham. Dr. Ben Carson
Rev. BillyGraham was an incredible servant of Christ. His faithful witness reached across the US & the world, influencing world leaders and average people alike. "America's Pastor" is now in his eternal home, but his life & the message he so passionately delivered continues on. Senator John Boozman
Elevation Church leader Steven Furtick tweeted, “You showed us how to leave the 99 for the 1. Thank you, Dr. Graham. Rest in Peace.”
The Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of America’s largest Latino Evangelical organization, called Graham “the most influential evangelist in modern history. Billy Graham stepped into the corridors of eternity. He preached the gospel, lived with integrity and changed the world. Thank you for the example.”
Eternal rest grant unto Billy Graham, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. -Chief Judge Stephen Dillard
Tirelessly spreading a message of fellowship and hope, he shaped the spiritual lives of tens of millions of people worldwide. Broad-minded, forgiving, and humble in his treatment of others, he exemplified the life of Jesus Christ by constantly reaching out for opportunities to serve. He had an enormous influence on my own spiritual life, and I was pleased to count Rev. Graham among my advisers and friends." — Former U.S.
President Jimmy Carter
"The passing of Evangelist Billy Graham has touched our hearts deeply. We, from Christ for all Nations, honor him for his long evangelistic ministry with its glorious results. He has run the race and kept the faith from beginning till end. Billy Graham has inspired me personally when he preached in a tent in Hamburg, Germany. I always felt connected to him. May the God, who is the God of all comfort, comfort the bereaved family". Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke wrote on Facebook.
"The debt owed by the global church to him is immeasurable and inexpressible. Personally I am profoundly grateful to God for the life and ministry of this good and faithful servant of the gospel; by his example he challenged all Christians to imitate how he lived and what he did. He was one who met presidents and preachers, monarchs and musicians, the poor and the rich, the young and the old, face to face. Yet now he is face to face with Jesus Christ, his savior and ours. It is the meeting he has been looking forward to for the whole of his life." — Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby
KATE SHELLNUTT IN CHARLOTTE, NC again on CT, "More than 2,000 guests—including 200 members of Graham’s family, Christian leaders from 50 countries, and dignitaries such as President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence—will gather at noon Friday for the funeral. Graham himself planned out the ceremony more than a decade ago, hoping that even his death could continue to point people to the gospel.
During his lifetime, Graham preached in person to more than 210 million people in more than 185 countries and territories across the world. But he was also known for the counsel his gave to decades of presidents.

In 1983, former President Ronald Reagan awarded Graham the Presidential Medal of Freedom — America’s highest civilian honor. Additionally, the Billy Graham Museum and Library in Charlotte, N.C., was dedicated to him in 2007."
Ruby Wilson wrote on his Facebook page:
Yes, Rev. Billy Graham is home and what a home going. He is rejoicing in Heaven with Jesus, all the saints and his sweet wife Ruth. While on earth he was God’s humble servant proclaiming the message of Gods love to all mankind far and wide. We will miss you Mr. Graham. One day we each will join you in that glorious home. God bless you his family with peace and comfort in your sadness and THANK YOU all for sharing him with us all. We will all say goodnight down here but good morning up there where Christ is the light.

Above all these flowery eulogies, and millions others impossible to read or mention, Billy Graham laboured for only one thing, in one word - Decision.

He pour in all his life to see that people understood the full extend of the love of God and the need to DECIDE  for Jesus
Have you decided for Jesus?


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