Jesus expects us to receive missionaries because if you are a Christian, you are automatically involved in evangelism and missions.
"We are intimately linked in this harvest work. Anyone who accepts what you do, accepts me, the One who sent you. Anyone who accepts what I do accepts my Father, who sent me. Accepting a messenger of God is as good as being God's messenger. Accepting someone's help is as good as giving someone help.
This is a large work I've called you into, but don't be overwhelmed by it. It's best to start small. Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance. The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice. You won't lose out on a thing." The Message Bible
Who is a missionary?
Even though we are all called by the Lord and sent to the mission field of evangelism, there are different levels of engagement for every one.
The entire field of evangelism is the scope of our reach.
Even though we are all called by the Lord and sent to the mission field of evangelism, there are different levels of engagement for every one.
The entire field of evangelism is the scope of our reach.
However, some are sent within their community, others within their national boundary and others specifically to reach other cultures and nations.
But all of us that are in Christ Jesus are to spread the good news of salvation to all peoples in all nations.
Scripturally, the ministry of the missionary is the apostolic ministry
The word "apostle" means "the one sent". They are the ones anointed specifically with the difficult task of reaching unreached cultures worldwide.
The word "apostle" means "the one sent". They are the ones anointed specifically with the difficult task of reaching unreached cultures worldwide.
Some of these cultures are hostile or deadly opposed to any new belief, others are less welcoming. No matter what this ministry is not an adventure.
Types of missionaries
1. Full time missionaries
These are missionaries whose call is either like Abraham or who depart their homeland for the better part of their lives.
1. Full time missionaries
These are missionaries whose call is either like Abraham or who depart their homeland for the better part of their lives.
2. Occupational missionaries
They are traditionally called tentmakers. They hide behind the face of an occupation, a trade, a business, immigration or a career buy material or financial gain never their raison d'être. Their drive is Christ, His kingdom and His gospel
Most missionaries to hostile cultures can only operate under such façade.
They are traditionally called tentmakers. They hide behind the face of an occupation, a trade, a business, immigration or a career buy material or financial gain never their raison d'être. Their drive is Christ, His kingdom and His gospel
Most missionaries to hostile cultures can only operate under such façade.
My elder brother who is serving under Calvary Ministries CAPRO, in Nigeria was sent to the hostile part of Northern Nigeria, in Bauchi State. He reverted his name James to the Hausa version Yakubu, migrated there as a local photographer and electrician, trades he learned for the sake of missions.
3. Mobilizing missionaries
There are missionaries who are not stationed on the mission field but they serve as the connection rod between the Church and the mission field.
There are missionaries who are not stationed on the mission field but they serve as the connection rod between the Church and the mission field.
They also may or may not have given up everything to pursue missions interest. They mobilize manpower, finances and logistics to make easier for those on the field. They equally serve as a thorn on the conscience of a missions-indifferent church.
For four decades TL Osborn mobilized millions of dollars and purchased thousands of Land rover vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, projectors and printed tons of literature to train and support local and foreign missionaries, most of which he didn't personally know.
I know a friend and colleague from Nigeria, Idoabasi Ikpo who has this sort of ministry and done amazingly too.
pilots, cooks, barbers etc to serve others while sharing Christ. Or if they have not mobile skill, they can be just involved in caring for street kids, the elderly, the sick or drug addicts. They can spend from two weeks and above on the mission field.
The impact can only be imagined.
The impact can only be imagined.
We have our permanent volunteer Mr. Dasat a senior theater nurse with the Federal Medical Centre, Keffi Nigeria who has served free of charge not only with us, but in many medical outreaches in many African countries. He is such a good selfless man changing lives daily.
How to receive a missionary
Paul expressed the value of missionaries in Romans 10: And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written:
Paul expressed the value of missionaries in Romans 10: And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written:
“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”
Missionaries may not look financially attractive but in God's eyes their feet are glorious.
We can receive missionaries in a few ways:
1. Appreciate them and their sacrifice. This will greatly encourage them. The do an amazing job and seem like their job does not directly affect you, so people hardly see the need to appreciate them.
We can receive missionaries in a few ways:
1. Appreciate them and their sacrifice. This will greatly encourage them. The do an amazing job and seem like their job does not directly affect you, so people hardly see the need to appreciate them.
But if you love the Kingdom, you will thank God for missionaries.
2. Encourage them by showing interest in their work, visiting them, welcoming them in our homes and helping lift their burden a bit.
3. Pray for them always.
Pray need cannot be overemphasized! The missionary is like the infantry soldier at the battle line fighting for us all. He needs all the daily prayers he can get.
Pray need cannot be overemphasized! The missionary is like the infantry soldier at the battle line fighting for us all. He needs all the daily prayers he can get.
He faces a hostile community, a strange culture, limited or at times no resources, family care, a virgin and extraordinary pressures to quit. Praying daily is the less expensive and the most natural thing to do.
4. Donate to their welfare or their work or both. I have seen some businesses, families and churches adopt a missionary. I have also seen Christian schools grantmissionary’s kids full scholarships. You could send an extra equipment you are not using, a computer, printer, a car or bus. That is very encouraging.
5. If you are a pastor, you could invite a missionary to speak in Church or arrange for them to speak in your conference.
6. In Matthew 10:11, Jesus spoke "a worthy person" in every city or village where missionaries are sent to. You can prepare an extra guest room in your house just for missionaries, as the Shunemite woman who build a room for Elisha in 2Kings 4:8-10.
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