B Y D A V I D M c Q U E L HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL But for us at the World Missions Centre, Abidjan, it is an even bigger day. Today is the 5 th anniversary of the launch of the World Missions Africa Blog. When we launched on January 1, 2017, we had only on our hearts a message to share about the love of God through our Lord Jesus Christ and on our minds anxiety and questions if anyone at all will read the message we blog. Here was our first blog post published on January 3, 2017: “Welcome to our blog. World Missions, Africa is making every effort to bring the love of Christ to all humanity. Primarily, we focus on Africa now in our physical activities. But with the online community, our efforts extends to the ends of the earth. Jesus died for all humanity. Every race, every ethnic group, every people, male or female, bound or free, the gospel of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ is free to all. Jesus said, "...
TODAY marks 7 years since the blog World Missions Africa was created. We are convinced God wants us to lift our focus beyond Africa to the harvest of the nations. Therefore, in the spirit of this obedience, this blog will no longer be called World Missions Africa, but Evangelism, Discipleship and Missions a.k.a. EDM Blog. Thank you all our tens of thousands of visitors. We are glad that the blog blesses your life. The Team.