B Y D A V I D M c Q U E L
That we live in dangerous times is no revelation. However, how we
navigate through it must be by revelation. We should live happy lives, glorifying
God and successfully preparing our kids to face the world ahead of them
successfully also. Among the many realities of today are:
The War Against
Conventional Truth
Truth is being replaced with feelings on a massive scale like
never seen before. What we were thought while growing up as moral, biblical or
civil truth is now bastardize and replaced with the lefts version of truth which
is relative truth. Truth basic on emotions and sentimentalism. For a long time,
promiscuity and sexual perversity was know to be immoral by all of society even
those who didn’t go to church.
Today, it is what you feel good that is truth.
The War Against
Biblical Values
It is fashionable now to dismiss any biblical view. In fact, Islamic
values, Buddhist or atheist are more readily adored in public spaces while Christian
views are snub, disdained or vilified. Honesty, decency, kindness, truth, transparency,
dignity and modesty are on all time attack.
Projecting any of this is called being proud, arrogant and sanctimonious
and judgmental. Everyone expects you to keep quiet or participate in unrighteousness.
Two years ago when I was on twitter, a post scrolled down my wall
of a guy who was on his way to work in San Francisco CA, he saw a couple having
sex in the open by the road in the morning, around 7:00AM. He called the police
who said they were coming and never showed up. After waiting for the cops for
15 minutes, he left for work.
The stop that post generated on twitter was shocking. And 70% of
the comments were insults. Who made him a judge? Why is he sanctimonious? What
is his damn business?
The Attack Of God’s
Have you heard the statements, “Why does God allow so much evil?” Or,
“If there is God, why is there so much evil?” Or, when natural catastrophe
happens, “It is an act of God.”
Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke had the perfect answer to this way of
thinking. There are countless soap factories, where are there dirty clothes?
When there is a mass school shooting people get mad at God instead
of seeking what went wrong in all honesty.
After we have done our best to remove the teaching of God and his values in
schools, we remove both hope for the future and the fear of God, the two best
deterrents of evil. We have hindered kids from understand that there is good
reward for good practices and punishment for bad practices.
Kids in their hopeless go off the rail. Without God, life is so
empty. I have seen in Africa families God to bed on empty stomach while seen in
the West, children going off because they were not given the iphone of the taste,
murdering their parents.
If we following God’s patterns in our homes, raising kids, running
business or running politics with compassion, firmness and integrity, we will have
less ills and horror in our lives.
The War For Our
Many parents wake up to a harsh reality of children they don’t
know. Once the Jewish exiles arrived Babylon, the first thing Nebuchadnezzar
did was go for the brightest and best of the kids. Daniel 1. Satan is after our
kids. However, many parents, even Christian parents are so naïve to assume that
just because children like something, we should let them have it.
In recent article that went viral, What I’ve Learned Rescuing My
Daughter From Her Transgender Fantasy, Charlie Jacobs story is the perfect
by little, day by day, Charlie right before her eyes couldn’t recognize her
daughter any more. “She came home with a whole new language. She and all
her girlfriends discussed their labels—polyamorous, lesbian, pansexual. None of
the five girls chose “basic,” their term for a straight girl.
Now, I was worried.”
Then she added, “When
my daughter was in the eighth grade, as a Christmas gift, I took her to
SacAnime, an anime convention in Sacramento, California. There, she met a girl
three years her senior, but light years more mature. That girl mesmerized my
daughter with her edginess or magnanimous personality.
The older girl went by “they.” After their meeting,
my daughter got a boy’s haircut, stopped shaving, and asked for boys’
underwear. My daughter parroted everything about the older teen.
She started making gross TikTok videos, her language
became vulgar, and she redecorated her room to look like a cave. She
self-pierced her nose with one of those bull rings. She broke every family
rule. She was morphing into an emo-Goth-vampire like creature. She was
unrecognizable. Her personality descended into anger and rudeness.”
The good thing,
Charlie went to war and literally snatched her daughter from the devil’s jaws.
Read the story here and see what she did.
Progressives who don’t
even care about having kids think they know better how your kids should be raid.
There is a war on your kids. Don’t be indifferent.
Evil Is Now
Reversed As Good And Good As Evil
Take the case of law and order. These are virtues that have kept
man’s penchant for vices and evil at bay. We know that man has the tendency to
do wrong. And in fact, “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great
in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
continually.” Genesis 6:5 (NKJV)
The laws of society largely are set in place to keep us in check
so the thirst for evil will not override the need for peace and security.
However, in recent times, we have seen both the perversion of the
institutions of law and order that undermine the law and criminals forcing
politicians to adjust laws to be comfortable to criminals. That actually is the
main driving for the defund the police movement of 2020.
In California and New York, bail for criminals we annulled,
certain crimes ignored and criminals allowed to steal up to $900!
Evil can never be good. That is why society is so messed up. We
are seeing children growing with no sense of good and evil. The new social
engineering wants to live it to children to decide for themselves what is good
and bad.
The Deliberate Gender
Biology has told us long ago that human beings are divided in to
xx and xy chromosomes. It means there are only male and female.
In News Life Medical Sciences, Sally Robertson, B.Sc wrote on Hundreds of trans people regret changing their gender, “A trans activist woman who
detransitioned in 2018 has sparked controversy by claiming that many people who
have gender reassignment regret the decision and want to return to their
original sex.”
According to sexchangeregret.com, Up to 20%
have regrets about their sex change. Sex change procedures are not
effective, say researchers. Ten to 15 years after surgical
reassignment, the suicide rate is 20 times that of
comparable peers.
An example, Hormones,
surgery, regret: I was a transgender woman for 8 years, My name is Walt Heyer and in April of 1983 I
had gender reassignment surgery. At first, I was giddy for the fresh start. But
hormones and sex change genital surgery couldn’t solve the underlying issues
driving my gender dysphoria.
I detransitioned more than 25
years ago. I learned the truth: Hormones and surgery may alter
appearances, but nothing changes the immutable fact of your sex. I met a
wonderful woman who didn’t care about the changes to my body, and we’ve been
married for over 20 years. Now we help others whose lives have been derailed by
sex change.
This great deception is mafia like and heavy finances are pumped
into spreading it across the world. It is a deception not just because it is
unbiblical, but also because most of those who do it, regret it not long after.
God made us, male and female. And in his wisdom, these are the
opposites that can satisfy each other’s companionship and sexual needs.
“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He
created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27 (NKJV)
The Worship Of Man.
Ultimately, the effort now is to concentrate on man, his freedom,
his rights and his comfort. Whatever gives man what he wants, seem superior to
what God wants. And if you dear think otherwise, you are immediately labelled a
Changing The Meaning Of Words
Ideologically and even academically, words are been replaced in
meaning. As we drove out of Casper Wyoming on our way to Rapid City, SD on October
17, 2020, the confirmation hearing in the US senate of the now confirmed Supreme
Court Justice Amy Corey Barret, the Democrat Senator for Hawaii, Mazie Hirono
trying to make an issue out of no issue term “sexual preference” previous used
by all others including candidate Joe Biden and late Supreme Court Justice RB
Ginsburg which indeed the lgbt movement have self-identified with for decades.
Senator Hirono accused Judge AC Barret of offending the lgbt
movement by using sexual preference instead of sexual orientation.
And on the road, I was listening to a conservative commentator who
noticed that almost immediately as the senator made that argument, and Judge
ACB apologized even though Biden and Ginsburg had used earlier, Merriam-Webster
updated its entry for the word “preference” to state that the term is certain contexts
is now considered “offensive.”
That was shocking. Academia bending to the left and adjusting the
dictionary to accommodate perversity. You can see that in article published by
the Washington Examiner (
Now disagreeing with someone is hate. Lying is now not correct,
prostitution is sex work, sodomy now sexual preference.
These words are change to accommodate man’s own rebellious
“That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there anything of which it may be said,
“See, this is new”?
It has already been in ancient times before us. Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 (NKJV)
In this passage, Solomon taught us some invariable truth. Sin will
always be sin. No matter how we rephrase and reframe it. Children will be
children. Marriage will be between husband and wife. Sexual deviation like
sodomy and prostitution will never be normal, no matter how many legislations
sanction them.
Good will be good, wrong will be wrong. Good conduct will be rewarded
and bad will be punished. In spite of corruption trying hard to change the
And Solomon tells us the final truth in Ecclesiastes:
“13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man’s all.
14 For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing,
Whether good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 (NKJV)
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