Today World Missions Africa Blog is Four Years Old.
Here are the latest statistics:
We made 130 blog posts in 4 years, an average of 32.5 or 2.7 posts a month
Total of 24 comments an average of 6 per year.
All Time visits of over 20,000 visits
Last 30 days 357
Over 60 nations
Highest visited articles:
Depression and spiritual growth – 862 visits (all time highest)
An extraordinary transformation (A converted radical muslim’s testimony) – 581 visits
Leah Sharibu – 321 visits
The Holy Spirit – 305 visits
When roots matter – 254 visits
The Church is going through fire; The Church and missions; First steps first and 7 others – hundreds of visits
Top Browsers:
Chrome 10,000 visits
Mobile ,2500 visits
Firefox 2,300 visits
Opera 1,300 visits
Safari 1,300 visits
MSIE, mobile safari, headlessChrome, Samsung browsers and others, Hundreds of visits each.
Top OS:
Windows, Android, Iphone, mac, Linux, Ipad and compatible.
Visits par geography:
US – 7k (37%)
Germany – 1.43k (8%)
Cote d’Ivoire – 1.4k (8%)
Kenya & Nigeria – 1.0k (6% each)
France, UK, Russia, Netherlands nearly 1K each (3%-4%)
I also enjoy other countries where we are finding openings like:
Romania, Ghana, Sweden, Australia, Canada, Portugal, the Philippines, South and Poland.
Some countries came as a great encouragement:
United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Indonesia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Morocco.
One of the highlights of 2020 was the embedding of the player for TECN TV Network on the blog. It was revolutionary! You can watch David broadcast GLOBAL IMPACT live! On the blog. Global Impact airs Monday through Friday at 3:00PM Eastern Time, which is 12:00PM Pacific Time as well as 8:00PM GMT for West Africa. There are also lots of Christian world view shows 24 hours 7 days on www.tecntv.com.
Beyond the statistics, as God spoke us as a ministry, we are taking new steps in 2021. And first new step is Evaluation:
How and what have we done in the last 4 years? I guess you can evaluate yourself that we have not done bad. And we have a strong potential.
Second Step is Refocusing. Although we are taking new steps, it doesn't mean we will be doing new stuff. We will rather sharpen the same message. And what is the message? That Jesus died and Rose for us to be save. That is not all.
He wants us to be his committed followers. Or as the Bible puts is, His disciple.
A Disciples is not just a follower of someone. A disciple is someone who:
1. Understands His master's message.
2. Accept and embrace the master’s message.
3. Makes total commitment to promote that which he is convinced to be the ultimate part.
4. Lives his life as if the masters message sis the most important value in life.
Third Step for us is Repositioning. This will include representing the message and the blog in a more dynamic and consistent manner.
We will also want to see our visitors here comment more on articles and TECN TV programmes. Share with us your experiences and if any of our messages mean anything to you.
Step four, we will expand our work from just writing on evangelism, discipleship a s missions to creating online classes on how to make a share the gospel. How to grow a new believer. How to make a disciple and how your disciple can make his own disciple.
Lots of great stuff, huh?
Why new steps?
Jesus talking to the Pharisees one day spoke in the Jewish cultural setting of wine preservation.
Mark 2v22 “And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” NIV
Finally, the fifth step is from you. We will like to hear from you. Don't just visit our blog, read an article, watch TECN TV or run through the photos. No. Talk back to us. Share your experiences. Or ask questions. It is time to start living for the Lord and not for yourself.
A quick info. On this Anniversary today, we are making a little change on our blog name. WMA stands for WORLD MISSIONS AFRICA.
HENCEFORTH, WMA will stand for WORLD MISSIONS FROM AFRICA. however, the acronym will still be WMA.
May 2021 be a blessed year for you. May it be a year of grown, deeper walk with God and a year that you will either begi n to make disciples for Jesus.
When you get to Him at the end, He will say, Well done, faithful servant. Enter my Father's rest.
Amen. Let's hear from you.
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