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B Y    D A V I D    P A M    M c Q U E L

Happy Easter to you all!

It is worth shouting from the rooftops that JESUS IS ALIVE!

He who died and was buried rose again! He rose triumphantly having conquered death and brought with Him great victory for us. He died to set mankind free from all the aftermath and consequences of the fall of man in the garden of Eden.

Two millennia ago, prophecy was fulfilled as spoken in Isaiah 7:14

A young teenager on the dusty fields of Israel had a scary experience, a visit from Gabriel. Although she feared God, it was beyond her wildest imagination that an ordinary barefoot girl would have God’s attention.

Would you believe it if it happened to you?

To cut the story short, Mary found herself in a place where she couldn’t even tell what’s going on. From then on, everything was bewildering. Joseph and Mary had to flee to Egypt, something that was not even a thought in their mind. Can you imagine the cultural and economic shaking?

And then the time came when Jesus began His ministry, Mary didn’t know how to fit in. There were too many things happening too fast. Her little wonder boy has hit the controversy platform. Celebrity status was not in her plans but she was thrown into the limelight. He son was transforming everything, healing the sick, raising the dead and feeding tens of thousands without ordering from caterers.

While many rejoiced the controversy about her son was  raging. There was a massively deadly campaign sponsored and executed by the Sanhedrin, made up of the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the Scribes of the law.

She was both praised and disdained.

Finally, the hour came that he would fulfill His main reason for coming. Everyone is born to live. Jesus is the only person born for the single purpose of dying. Nobody knew but him. Everyone else was scrambling to understand what was going on.

Poor disciples! They were the most confused bunch. You can’t blame them. They were spiritually dead and had no idea what was going on. As Jesus Himself served the last supper, they watched yet couldn’t see. They listened to him yet never heard. They were supposed to be participants in what they were mere spectators. Paul, by the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 11, had to explain to them later what had happened.

After the supper, having no idea what was going on,  Jesus wished they understood! But they didn’t. Judas went to fulfill his treachery that Jesus had told them about, and yet they just couldn’t grasp it. An hour later, Judas, one of them but not from his heart, had turned to the love of money. He brought in the soldiers to betray him with a kiss.

Things got even more crazy for everyone! Only one person knew what was happening.

Mary didn’t. The eleven had no idea what to think. So when Jesus was captured, their flesh was filled with dread. Everyone escaped for their lives.

Would you blame them?

They, fear of death can break even the highest bond of loyalty. A few hours ago, from sincere intentions, Peter pledged to go to grave with Jesus. When the true test hit him like a thunderbolt, he took of like a tiger.

John fled too. But he thought that Mary would be arrest, so he run to her home to inform her and take her to safety. However, will a real mother run to her own safety at the expense of her own baby? No. Mary told John to lead her to her son.

Peter came to himself, and decided to follow and see what happens. For three and a half years, Jesus has been his life day and night. He had no life anywhere. What will he go to?

17 “You aren’t one of this man’s disciples too, are you?” she asked Peter.
He replied, “I am not.”
18 It was cold, and the servants and officials stood around a fire they had made to keep warm. Peter also was standing with them, warming himself.”
John 18:17-18

None of us should blame Peter. Do you honestly believe that you would have done better? Today, we get so engrossed in our lives and get so easily offended by little things that made Peter look far better than us.

I absolutely identify with Peter; I understand his human frailty and probably would have done worse. Who knows? The interesting thing is how he came to repentance and found the path again.

Peter’s denial of Christ was totally out of human fear. Jesus had prayed for him, because He knew Peter will succumb to fear. It was human adrenal reaction to terror. Two terrible errors that Peter made beside denying Christ that we may be doing today.

1.       He was standing in the company of spectators who despised Christ.
Peter followed Jesus, but not properly. He followed, but from afar. He followed, not to help but to watch. That is the most terrible thing to do. How do you follow the story of Jesus today?

You must be a participant in his travails and the spread of the gospel not just watching aloof to see how things will go. God does not count on spectators. He counts on participants.

2.       He was warming himself, enjoying comfort while his master was tortured
While the rest are battling it out, are you part of the struggle or are you just busy with the business of your personal comfort? The bible says it was cold. Winter cold, and Jesus was been tortured.

But Peter joined joined himself with those who kept themselves warmed, while tossing hear says and "wonderful" analysis. You have to do better than that. Many people have found self-appointed ministry in criticizing and deciding who is a Christian and who is a false prophet for just any ridiculous reason.

When you stay by the fire warming yourself, protecting your insecurities and soothing your ego, you are worse than Peter. Get out of your comfortable safe space, away from the fireplace comfort and join the Lord Jesus in the cold. Be an active part of spreading the gospel around the world. Make your way right with God today.

The wisest thing we can do this Easter is to STOP judging Peter.

If you have not received Jesus into your heart or have not heard the gospel but you are touched by it through this article, and you want to invite Christ into your heart, you can pray this from your heart. It works only if you are truly touched and make the personal decision to accept Christ.

Then you will find eternal life in Christ Jesus the Lord.

"Father God, thank you for having mercy on me.

You sent Jesus your spotless son to die for me. I put my faith in Him today. I receive Him into my heart. From this day forward, He is my Lord and Savior. Thank you for giving me eternal life in Jesus name. Amen."

Leave us a comment and we will get back to you.


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