Hi friends, may the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
be with you all.
I apologize that we have been silent on our blog. It is
because this year came with many open doors for expansion and spread. We had to
readjust and reshape and reorganize.
Significantly, God has moved us from where we have been to a
new level as a ministry and this gives us a better opportunity to serve the
body of Christ and to be the link between the church and the mission field.
Between july and September 2018 God lunched us into internet
tv livestreaming. GLOBAL IMPACT, From a very very humble beginning with almost
nothing, we have a small studio, a great production team and beautiful programs
GLOBAL IMPACT kick off on the 26 September 2018 and ran for
almost one year airing once a week, Wednesdays 7:05PM EST in the US and 11:05PM
GMT for viewers in West Africa.

We went jumping dancing and laughing feast!
Today we air Monday through Friday 3:05PM EST in the US
which is 7:05PM GMT for African viewers. God is so good to us.
We still have amazing needs to take our studios and
broadcasting out has lots of demands for both content production and publicity.
We URGE you to support us as well are inform friends about the great work we
are doing.

We really want to hear from you. Share with us your
feelings, your criticisms, your observations and great encouraging ideas.
From the team here, we love you and welcome you to GLOBAL IMPACT.
Reach us:
Tel: +225 55 95
63 13
+225 75
26 15 51
+225 43
98 53 05
Extension, Angré Chateau
of Ivory Coast
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