I have experienced a glorious past
Not everyone is born in the church. While some
were big pagans in a Christian body. Others have experienced the unimaginable.
I am one of those who have known the world in a particular way and who have
proudly shared it spicing it with exaggerations in front of other Christians
"old bosses" just to “save face" in the debates about old times.
There was this effort to give the impression that I was also an intimidating figure.
This image is built upon many lies, or unspoken truths or things that people can
easily believe without having to prove it ... (I know this terrain so well lol)
Of what use are these "professional
experiences" on a CV that is supposed to be dead at the cross? How should
I boast of having been a hard time if I have now experienced real life in CHRIST?
And I look upon all things as a loss,
because of the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord, for whom I
have forsaken all things, and look upon them as mud, to win Christ,
What is the level of the excellence of the
knowledge that I have of JESUS so that I look at this "glory"
passed like mud? This question led me to drop my "ranks",
"stripes" gleaned at the risk of my life and to introduce myself as
someone who wants to win CHRIST. There will always be those false mentors who
will tell their past so gloriously that whoever is born in the church will be
tempted to go for a ride in the world, comparison is not right! If you want to
tell your past life, check that it has gone well. Do not recount things with a
smirk, like Ah, the memory of the beautiful era! If this is still the case, I
urge you to thoroughly analyze your walk with the Lord. He must renew all our
thoughts, I say ALL.
Tell the truth about struggles, temptations,
falls and relapses. Stop the make-believe that the world is great and we come
out of it overnight. Egyptian cucumbers are often lacking in the desert and one
must learn to appreciate the manna that contains spiritual teachings. The
deeper the world is rooted in us, the more the restoration work of the Holy
Spirit is doubly so. Guilt, bitterness, regrets ... But where sin has abounded,
grace has abounded!
I experienced and survived things that
would have taken another person quietly. Am I a tough girl? No, I am the fruit
of his grace.
If the "testimony" of someone is
weakening your principles regarding your walk with GOD, take hold of yourself
afresh. Not all the mentors are not models. Those people who tell you that they
had pre-marital sex were able to get married without a problem, is that
approved of the Lord? Are people who use business fraud but thrive are still
connected to the real vine?
Not everyone is worthy of our admiration.
We go to and we end up touching what we admire. To read my other articles about the models.
One day, I will tell my story, from the dust to the Distinction!
#WomanOfGOD #ChristianBlogger #ChristianInfluencer #JKFDD
Great. May God give you more grace and may your passion for souls never reduce or cease in Jesus name. Amen