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BY  Z E N I T H A    V I C T O R I A    B A D A

"You cannot excel in life if you want to go alone in life."
                Dr Jeffrey seif.

I celebrate you all.

Today I'd be talking on how friendship can bring others to Christ.

Looking at the meaning of friendship from the Chrome dictionary it is defined as the relationship, bond,union between friends. These days people come into our lives and we are not sure how to categorize them, but I'll have you know that "Friends" are the most influential people in our life's that  either bring us down our pull us up. The bible speaking "Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces. "
Proverbs 13:20 MSG.

We need to learn to define our friend-ship with people, we need to know the the kind of "friends" we are letting into our "ship", so that when the wind blows we could help each other stand firm.
The bible says "friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family."

Proverbs 18:24 MSG. The world is a battle ground and we need others by the help of God to aid us in this fight, no soldier goes to war by himself but mind you, a soldier doesn't go to war with a civilian, a surgeon doesn't go to the theater with an undergraduate of law to perform a surgery on a patient, and that also applies when we have to pick our friends, we need to make friends that have the same training with us in the in the word of God, or has more understanding because in that way we learn from each other, we help each other when we are going astray, we advice each other and say the bitter truth to each other as long as it pleases God.

 When we keep friendships that honor God we.

Strive together to achieve a goal and that is to spread the word of God to people(the unbelievers) and that is why i said from the beginning that we need to be in the circle of like minds, a circle that has the same indoctrination of the word, these days our generation deep down inside know what is right but because if the kind of friends they keep they tend to do ungodly things to feel along and hurt God, and that is because they have been influenced by the friends they carry on their ship, not minding the sailor.

The more Godly friendships we involve ourselves into, the more we are able to bring people to Christ, the more we are able to set examples before unbelievers.

In the Bible Daniel and his friends set examples that made even the king desired their God, no one is perfect, no group of friend is perfect but when we involve God in whatever we do, seek the face of God, rely on him, he is faithful to strengthens us in our weaknesses. As iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens [and influences] another [through discussion].

There are also a lot of people that are lonely out there that needs a friend to tell this friend that there is a friend called Jesus, who cares and loves them, but how do we achieve this? By showing yourself friendly and becoming an influence that represents Jesus.

Keep Godly friends, and be a Godly friend, be the friend that tells that friend that there is a friend called Jesus.

Stay blessed.


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