D a v i d P a m M c Q u e l
Growing up spiritually is parallel to growing up physically. A lot goes into it.
Many people want the joy of a new birth and want to dwell only there and never go beyond. Indeed, new birth is a trigger for joy happiness. Everyone rejoices. Both family and friends celebrate. Its just a beautiful sight to see a new baby.
Hardly do you see even a stranger that is not attracted to a new born.
However, growing is greater. This is because every baby has the potential of a great future. He could be a great farmer one day.
He can be a teacher, a doctor or a businessman. He might turn out to be a great inventor, a lecturer, a politician or an internationally influential person.
Yet, the bridge to that potential place is growth. Growth therefore, is the most important thing.
Secondly, grow is what is expect. No one who does not grow is considered normal. At the general hospital tens of new mothers wait in the cue. They take turn to see the medical attendants who examine them.
Most importantly they growth of their babies are carefully observed and monitored. If any sign of abnormalities is detected, urgent and immediate action is taken to correct it.
An article published in Overlake Gynaecology and Obstetrician PC, By Overlake OBGYN says, "Keep track of your baby’s development . Your baby’s growth is a major indicator of how well he or she is doing in there. During your appointments, your doctor will measure your belly from sternum to the top of your pubic bone.
These measurements help her to see how your baby is growing. Of course, modern technology will assist with that as well. Ultrasounds – now available in 3-D – will be strategically timed to verify your baby’s gender and development."
It is most important that the baby develops and the new born grows properly otherwise he cannot have a very healthy adulthood. This is very important and parallel to spiritual growth. It is important that new believers in Christ develop and grow well.
There are a few things we should examine closely:
1. Pregnancy takes time to mature
Even during gestation, the health safety of the baby is highly important. This will help bring a healthy delivery and early proper growth.
Even during gestation, the health safety of the baby is highly important. This will help bring a healthy delivery and early proper growth.
Therefore, in bringing people to Christ, we must ensure that the word of God is properly presented, the path to salvation clearly explained and the new life in Christ well taught.
When someone accepts Christ let them understand the value of what they have done.
2. Health of the mother is good for the health of the baby.
In staying Healthy During Pregnancy, published by Kids Health From Nemours, it says "Throughout your pregnancy, your health care provider will check your weight and blood pressure while also checking the growth and development of your baby (by doing things like feeling your abdomen, listening for the fetal heartbeat starting during the second trimester, and measuring your belly).
During the span of your pregnancy, you'll also have prenatal tests , including blood, urine, and cervical tests, and probably at least one ultrasound."
It is very vital that he who will make disciples understand that he or she is a parents. He must also watch over his spiritual health. Otherwise, an unhealthy parent will raise an unhealthy child.
We cannot be careless about our lives and expect to really care about the growth of others. Disciples grow by observation more than instructions.
The daily living that Jesus had with His disciples for 42 months was greater than any Bible School you could ever go. He was the practical aspect of education.
Disciple makers must lead an exemplary lives before their apprentices.
3. Good food is very essential to a baby starting out.
God who set up this reproductive system Himself made plans for the new born's meals. The breast milk, expect for the mother's health which may interfere, is the best healthy and balance diet a baby needs for the first six months.
Everything a child needs for a balanced nutrition is in perfect combination.
"Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, 2 as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, 3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.1Peter 2:1-3
4. The security of the baby is at the top of priorities.
The new born needs protection from external and domestic harm. No wonder, mothers need a maternity leave. This is to afford her the time and strength to give the baby 100% care.
New converts need the attention of older matured believers. The need time, patience, care, understanding, correction, guidance, prayers and a good example before their eyes daily.
5. Observation
New babies whether eating, sleeping, crying or playing enjoys the watchful eyes of the parents, especially the mum. It is for two reasons, for bonding and for observation. In observation you get excitement, happiness, pick up abnormalities and talents.
6. Training and Teaching
Temperaments are natural but personalities and values are developed.
Temperaments are natural but personalities and values are developed.
Development of values and personalities starts from birth. Children learn through teaching and observation. It is the responsibility of parents and adults around to train them.
Training is different from teaching. While teaching is giving instructions through explanation, training is apprenticeship.
For example, a mother feeds the baby as he grows but sometimes she shows him how to take that food and put it in the mouth himself. She helps him learn how to hold the spoon and put it in his mouth.
7. Correction and Appreciation
One of the keep responsibility of parenting, natural and spiritual is correcting younger people. Everyone will err by default
One of the keep responsibility of parenting, natural and spiritual is correcting younger people. Everyone will err by default
"Foolishness is bound up
in the heart of a child;
The rod of correction
will drive it far from him." Proverbs 22:15
A child left undisciplined and uncorrected will fail massively in life especially in social relationships.
However, when a child does well there must be a corresponding just appreciation. Otherwise, the child will feel only his faults matter and he will grow up embittered.
In the same vein, disciples-makers are spiritual parents.
8. Teaching responsibility and personal accountability
The process of raising hardworking and responsible adults starts from childhood.
Give kids responsibilities at an early age. Picking up papers from the floor, taking their plate after meals to the dishwasher, etc. Knowing that they can achieve something themselves is enough motivation and sense of personal accountability.
A new believer should be given opportunities to do something for the Lord and for others without expecting anything in return.
9. Maturity and Reproduction
The ultimate goal is to see every child become a responsible, independent and productive adult. All the years of training and raising will be worthwhile.
Then this adult will marry, and bring forth his own kids, reproducing after his kind. And the circle continues.
New believers in Christian should grow in the faith, become matured in spiritual things and grow other younger believers.
New believers in Christian should grow in the faith, become matured in spiritual things and grow other younger believers.
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