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We at The World Missions Centre would like to appreciate our friends and partners who have chosen to follow our missions effort. To all our friends who know us personally in Nigeria, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, our friends who follow us through Facebook and follow our blog,, thank you.

We feel encouraged immensely.

Our biggest outreach for 2017 at The World Missions Centre comes up 1 - 3 September 2017 in Bono, Marahouet Region, central Ivory Coast. We cannot overemphasize how important this outreach is. Bono is a sub metro but the indigenous people, the Guros are lost and insulated from the gospel and development. The community has a total population of 100,000 people with only one medical doctor, general practioner. Only one hospital, two pharmacies, 4 nurses and 3 midwives.

The Guros of Bono who make up 40% of the community, have been completely insulated from the gospel by a tradition of fetishism, idolatry, demonic practices, promiscuity, poverty and illiteracy.

i. We are taking a medical team of 5, surgical, anesthetic and psychiatric nurses with a good supply of drugs from friends from the US and our partner ministry in Nigeria.

ii. We have a barber and a carpenter to care for kids and mend their broken houses while ministering the gospel to the locals.

iii. We have seven missionaries who will minister counseling and prayer in the day time for spiritual care. And there will be open air crusades at nights.

iv. We have a video projector for teachings, discipleship and media ministry.

v. We will get bails of clothes for kids from poor homes.

vi. We hope to reach 2000 people from the 45,000 Guro population and hope to make 200-300 new believers in 3 days.

vii. We also need to hire or get at least 5 volunteer intepreters since our medical teams are English speakers. This will cost us much.

Here are definite ways you can participate and help us reach this people who desperately need the gospel.

A. Pray With Us
God's work cannot be done without prayer. Jesus our Lord himself prayed. The apostles prayed. The Church can only spread the good news of the kingdom through prayer. We need every believer pray for us. Reaching out to pagans is risky especially when they think we are a threat to their centuries old beliefs. 2Thessalonians 3:1,2
"As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith."

B. Go With Us
We run the Vocational Missionary programme to allow friends and other believers take  between a week to 3 months as vacation to spend in any of our mission fields. Even this coming outreach can be an exceptional opportunity to be on the front lines, where it is happening. You can change somebody's life. Get some partners, raise some funds and join us next September!

C. Donate Towards This Awesome Cause
The Biblical pattern form giving is laid down in Exodus 35:20 "Then the whole Israelite community withdrew from Moses’ presence, 21 and everyone who was willing and whose heart moved them came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work on the tent of meeting, for all its service, and for the sacred garments."

The budget for this outreach is $3000. We need the support of our friends to reach 2000 people in 3 days.

We broken it down to make it easy to donate. Here is how?

No.  of persons                Amount
1                             $3000
2                             $1,500 each
3                             $1,000 each
6                             $500 each
10                            $300 each
15                            $200 each
20                            $150 each
30                            $100 each
60                            $50 each

But everyone has opportunity to give as God lays it in your heart. And provide us with your e-mail so we can send you how the money was used after the outreach, if you would like to know.

Donations from Nigeria can be paid directly into:
Guaranty Trust Bank
David McQuel


David McQuel

Donations from elsewhere in Africa:
Ecobank Rapid Money Transfer
Gloria McQuel
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire


Western Union Money Transfer
David McQuel
Cocody, Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire

For Donations from The United States and other Western countries

Through Western Union, Moneygram or Ria, Send to:
David McQuel
Cocody, Abidjan
Ivory Coast


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